Thursday, July 16, 2009

When morons meet microphones....

From His Emanence Rush Limbaugh's Tuesday, July 14th show:
RUSH: And that's another thing. This precedent business, stare decisis, "Well, I'll go for precedent every time I can except when I won't. Precedent is not locked. Precedent doesn't mean you can never vary. If precedent meant that, we'd still have slavery.
Ummmm ... <*sotto voce*> Pssssst, Rush: The Thirteenth Amendment (a Constitutional amendment) needed to be passed to end slavery....

Product of a private school education? Just someone who didn't make use of what was given to him? Or both? You be the judge....


At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Lincoln's Emancipation Declaration? Anyway, his Majesty Rush was pobably refering to Brown v. Board of Ed.


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